Next-gen ingredients making their way to pets’ bowls 12.26.2024 By Donna Berry Sustainability demands and supply chain challenges push formulators toward new and creative pet nutrition ingredients. Read More
Plenty of fish in the sea? Tell that to Omega 3 05.06.2024 By Jordan Tyler Demand for fish oil is at odds with consumers rising sustainability standards. How can the pet nutrition industry address both?Read More
Bioriginal, POS unveil sustainable Omega 3 line 03.18.2024 By Kimberlie Clyma The global Omega ingredient supplier has developed a line of Omega 3 fish, algal and plant-based oils.Read More
Corbion develops fermented algae ingredient for pet nutrition 09.28.2023 By Jordan Tyler AlgaPrime™ DHA P3 delivers high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids as a sustainable alternative to traditional sources.Read More
MiAlgae supports biotech scholars through hands-on opportunities 09.20.2023 By Jordan Tyler The ingredient company has taken on two young apprentices and three Ph.D. interns to gain experience with its R&D team.Read More
New project seeks to accelerate development of algae-based products 07.31.2023 By Nicole Kerwin The AlgaeProBANOS project by the SUBMARINER Network will help further a circular blue economy, creating more sustainable food, animal feed and other consumer goods.Read More
MiAlgae teams up with distillery to create sustainable ingredients 03.09.2023 By Nicole Kerwin MiAlgae will use whisky byproducts from Falkirk Distillery to grow microalgae for use in animal nutrition.Read More
Corbion to divest emulsifying segment 12.13.2022 By Jeff Gelski The company is selling the segment to focus on expanding its core business.Read More
Environmentally friendly pet food company welcomes invasive species name change 06.28.2022 By Nicole Kerwin Chippin is using Silver Copi, formerly Silver carp, in several of its products to help curb overpopulation.Read More
Bulgarian company launches JV for fermented algal oils 11.23.2021 By Jordan Tyler Huve Nutraceuticals will produce fermented functional marine oils for use in animal and human nutrition products.Read More