BROOKFIELD, WIS. — Hydrite Chemical Co. is enhancing its technical support with its new RITE Team™, a group of food industry experts that will focus on supporting customers in real time.

The RITE Team — an acronym for Real-time, Innovative Technical Expert — includes 12 technical representatives with vast know-how and field experience with Hydrite’s systems and solutions. This includes account managers, regional managers, senior technical managers, program managers, and others within the company.

 The team will work together to support companies looking to improve food safety management, sanitation training, program development and adjacent technologies.

“We are excited to formally introduce the RITE Team,” said Mitch Fay, technical director at Hydrite. “Our core values and expectations focus around integrity, innovation, quality, people and responsible growth. What makes us different is that we are agile and can respond quickly to the needs of our customers, we use communication to build partnerships, we solve for the entire application, and have a knowledgeable team with a broad skillset. Our team is dedicated to our field reps through servant leadership models.”

Hydrite is a family-owned company founded in 1929. It provides chemicals and related services to the chemical distribution and manufacturing, food and dairy sanitation, organic processing and other industries.

The company established a pet food-focused subsidiary, HydriPet, in April 2019. HydriPet provides chemical solutions, including human-grade ingredients, preservatives, sanitation solutions and water treatments, to pet food processors.

Read more about suppliers in the pet food market.