MODESTO, CALIF. — Enviro Tech Chemical Services (ETCS) has developed “the world’s first and only” dry peracetic acid (PAA) designed as a safe floor and equipment sanitizing solution for use in food and beverage processing facilities, including pet food applications.

The patented solution, PeraGuard®, can enhance environmental biosecurity and hygiene in areas of a facility that pose the highest risks for microbial growth. The highly concentrated solution is activated by water or moisture and employs a controlled-release technology to optimize its effectiveness. PeraGuard is odorless and dust-free, and has been shown to work against E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and other common pathogens seen in the food, beverage and pet food manufacturing industries.

"No two manufacturing facilities are alike,” said Mike Harvey, chief executive officer at Enviro Tech. “Conventional biocides often don't have the flexibility in application to disinfect floors, equipment and surfaces. As a dry product, PeraGuard® literally fills in the gaps that conventional chemicals can't reach, the places where pathogens hide."

PeraGuard is safe for USDA-inspected meat, poultry and seafood plants, packaging rooms, refrigerated trucks and food cooler areas, forklifts, high-foot traffic areas and transportation vehicles, kitchens, animal labs, animal care facilities, and numerous other processing settings. Enviro Tech stated the solution can be applied “anywhere human or pet food or beverages are processed.”

The sanitizing solution can also be used on farms to control odors and ammonia, the company stated.

PeraGuard uses peroxygen chemistry only, Enviro Tech said, and does not contain hazardous byproducts or quaternary ammonium, and does not pose damage to wastewater systems. The PAA sanitizer is registered with the Environmental Protections Agency (EPA).

Read more about pet food safety on our Operations page.