Europe opens the door for Nutrition Technologies’ insect-based ingredients 03.01.2023 By Nicole Kerwin Nutrition Technologies has become the first Malaysian company with permission to export its animal food ingredients to the European Union and the United Kingdom.Read More
AAFCO supports upcoming public meeting with FDA on ingredient review process 02.08.2023 By Nicole Kerwin The virtual meeting will be held on Feb. 9 and will discuss how the FDA can improve its partnership with the association.Read More
Taking ingredient validation one step at a time 01.26.2023 By Leah Wilkinson The American Feed Industry Association details the slow and steady process of getting new ingredients recognized and approved.Read More
American Feed Industry Association: Supporting, advocating for industry members 01.10.2023 By Jordan Tyler AFIA strives to support the animal nutrition industry in times of turbulence or calm.Read More
Pet Food Institute: Pulling a seat up to the table for US pet food processors 01.06.2023 By Jordan Tyler This organization strives to keep the industry informed on changing regulations and legislation.Read More
AAFCO: Supporting the feed industry, food safety regulations 01.03.2023 By Jordan Tyler The association has served as a trusted leader in the animal nutrition space for more than 100 years.Read More
AFIA pushes for modernized ingredient policy 11.23.2022 By Nicole Kerwin The association is urging the CVM to update the policy under which functional feed ingredients are regulated as animal drugs.Read More
NIHC urges FDA to approve hemp seed 11.07.2022 By Nicole Kerwin The council has sent a letter to the FDA, citing the safety of hemp seed for use in animal feed.Read More
AAFCO details new webinar on the usage of hemp 07.28.2022 By Nicole Kerwin The webinar will cover a variety of food safety and regulatory discussions on the use of hemp in animal feed and pet food.Read More
AFIA, PFI support amendment seeking to expedite new ingredient reviews 07.27.2022 By Nicole Kerwin The new amendment would dedicate $8 million in funding to the FDA’s CVM to help approve new ingredients for animal feed and pet food.Read More